Bangladesh man held for plans to join Kashmir militancy – Indian Defence Research Wing


A Bangladeshi man, who was plotting attacks against Hindus in his own country and planning to fight in Kashmir, has been arrested by Singapore’s security agencies. The agencies investigated the suspicious activities of 37 people as part of the heightened security measures following recent terror strikes in Europe, the government said on Tuesday.

Of the 37 people, 14 are Singaporeans and 23 foreigners, mostly Bangladeshis. A Bangladeshi, Ahmed Faysal (26), has been arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA) following investigations into terrorism-related activities, the home ministry said.

Faysal had been working as a construction worker in Singapore since early 2017, and became radicalised in 2018 after “imbibing online propaganda on ISIS”, the statement said. He was arrested on November 2, the government said.