India test fires helicopter-launched anti-tank ‘Dhruvastra’ missile in Odisha. – Indian Defence Research Wing


India conducted successful trials of the helicopter-launched Nag missile (Helina), now named Dhruvastra anti-tank guided missile, in direct and top attack mode. The flight trials were conducted on July 15 and 16 at Integrated Test Range (ITR) Balasore in Odisha. The Nag missile has been developed to engage highly fortified enemy tanks in all weather conditions with day and night capabilities and with a minimum range of 500m and maximum range of 4 km.

It is a third-generation fire-and-forget-class missile and uses an imaging infrared seeker in lock-on-before-launch mode.

The missile is launched from the Nag missile carrier which is capable of carrying up to six combat missiles. The robust imaging algorithm has made the missile hit the target at a distance of 4 km even in severe summer desert conditions which is unique in its class.