China says situation at India border ‘overall stable and controllable’ – Indian Defence Research Wing


Ladakh LAC is ready for yet another exercise towards improving the tensed atmosphere with the Chinese Army and Indian Army scheduled to hold a high-level meeting on Tuesday. “The Higher Commander Level Meeting (HCLM) between the two militaries is scheduled for Tuesday” confirmed a source. This is going to be third Higher Commander Level Meeting which is held between the Major General rank officers of the two sides.

The meetings between the two militaries are held at three levels at the borders which includes the Local Commander or the Colonel level, Station Commander (Delegation Level) or the Brigadier Level and the Highest is the Major General Level called the HLCM. These are emergency meetings which happen when something emergent is required to be discussed as otherwise there are scheduled meetings on important days apart from the meetings at fixed intervals.

“The officer added that it is a good sign as we are able to communicate our point of view.” said the source but added that in the first meeting both sides had only put their points across and in the second meeting there was agreement on some pints but many were left without any decision. It was after the second HCLM meeting that heavy vehicles from both sides were moved back, as first reported by this paper.

The Ladakh standoff, also as reported first by this paper, began on the intervening night of 5-6 May when the soldiers of the two countries clashed with each other at the location of Finger Five which falls on the Northern Flank of the Pangong Tso lake which straddles between India and China. A large number of soldiers from both sides were injured in the clash.

On Friday India had moved more troops to match the deployments on the Chinese side. Sunday also saw an acrimonious battle of words on Social Media after the leaks of videos and photos of the two sides purportedly of the day of incident at Pangong Tso. The officers feel such leaks vitiate the atmosphere. But, Indian forces have been instructed to maintain peace but remain firm with the endeavor to find solution through talks between the military and at the diplomatic level.