Helicopters Land Heavy Equipment To Expedite Work Of Strategic Road Near India-China Border – Indian Defence Research Wing


The Congress on Sunday claimed that satellite imagery shows China has installed missile sites on the eastern borders at Naku La and Doka La, posing a threat to India’s security, and demanded that the government take the nation into confidence on the issue.

Addressing a joint virtual press conference, Congress leaders Rajiv Shukla and Gaurav Gogoi said the government should discuss the issue during the Monsoon session of Parliament and Prime Minister Narendra Modi should respond to the concerns of all.

Government sources maintained that the armed forces were keeping a close watch on activities at the border.

The two Congress leaders questioned the government’s “silence” on the issue.

“We would urge the government of India to take the nation into confidence. The government should also discuss the issue in Parliament along with coronavirus, and clarify what threat it poses to the country’s security,” Mr Shukla told reporters.

Mr Gogoi, the Congress’ deputy leader in Lok Sabha, said this is a matter of grave concern that affects national security and could have dangerous consequences.

“This is a very dangerous step and we have consistently reminded the Modi government of the strengthening of the military by expansionist China, but the government and the prime minister have remained silent,” he said.The two leaders said the government must spell out its action plan to deal with the situation.