Pak blog’s bid to name & shame raises J&K media’s hackles – Indian Defence Research Wing


An anonymous blog suspected to be part of a terror outfit’s Pakistani propaganda machine has yet again run a “vilification campaign” against a group of Kashmir-based journalists, TV panellists and activists, just as it had trolled slain editor Shujaat Bukhari in 2018 before his assassination in Srinagar.

While the list of names disappeared from the blog following an outcry by the local press corps, a joint statement issued by editors’ groups and journalists’ unions said it had “become routine for diverse elements belonging to different political and ideological thoughts to pass judgment on Kashmir-based media persons and eventually make them punching bag to suit their interests”.

Without directly referring to Bukhari’s assassination or the recent killing of lawyer, activist and TV panellist Babar Qadiri, the statement said, “The propaganda or vilification adds to the vulnerability of media persons.”
J&K Police suspect the blog, which calls most Kashmir journalists “Indian paid agents”, is the handiwork of the Lashkar-e-Taiba.