Report – Indian Defence Research Wing


Amid the ongoing border tensions, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China has continued the deployment of around 40,000 troops in its front and depth areas of the Eastern Ladakh sector indicating unwillingness to de-escalate the situation.The Chinese are not honouring their commitment for disengagement at the friction points in Eastern Ladakh, news agency ANI reported. In complete disregard to the agreed terms during the multiple rounds of talks at the government and Army level, the PLA is refusing to move back.

“The Chinese have not shown any signs of de-escalation as they continue to maintain their heavy troop deployment of almost 40,000 troops supported by heavy weaponry like air defence systems, armoured personnel carriers and long-range artillery in front and depth areas,” ANI quoted its source as saying.

There have no been progress in the disengagement process since the last round of talks between the two Corps Commanders held last week and ground positions have also not changed.